Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holidays and Snow Days -- Shifting Gears!

Holidays, school delays, snow days, and winter colds --- what can these do to school and life routines? Chances are you have had more than your share of interruptions to your life and routines these past several weeks, and probably wonder if you’ll ever get back on track. Interruptions and change --- even for the pleasure of a holiday --- can present difficulties for anyone’s life, but, if you have someone in the family who has ADHD, it is particularly challenging. Recovering from snow days, vacations and the like can wreck havoc on the focus and organization of those who have ADHD --- even for the brightest and best students. Know that it takes extra effort to shift gears and get back on track. Patience and a positive additude works wonders.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and Happy Winter! If you are like me and so many others, one of your resolutions for the new year has been to get more exercise. We all need exercise to keep fit and healthy --- not just for the body, but also for the mind. New findings have confirmed the long thought evidence that exercise can help people to stay more focused, become more attentive and feel more comfortable in social situations. Check out Dr. John Ratey's book called Spark to get the latest information. The message is clear, simple and very powerful --- exercise is a very effective treatment for ADD, increased mental clarity and optimal brain function. What is the value of exercise on your body and mind? Priceless!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Feeling Distracted and Disorganized?

Do people think of you as organized, successful and someone who has it all together? Does the outside world see you as seemingly able to juggle multiple rolls and multi -task with grace and ease, while inside you silently struggle to stay focused and work hard to meet deadlines and get it all done? Have recent articles and advertisements about Adult ADHD jumped out at you and caused you to pause for thought? Then . . . please know that you are not alone. I am one of you. There are a growing number of women of all ages who are finally being heard and finding help. Share your stories and know that there are great resources available. Welcome on board!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Exercise Energizes....and improves attention!!

Did you know that as little as twenty minutes of aerobic exercise can send enough endorphins to the brain (think “runner’s high) to help you focus, concentrate, and remain calm throughout your entire day? Exercise is an important component in functioning at your best, and is even more important if you are easily distracted or struggle with getting everything done.

As Dr. Ned Hallowell writes --- “A quick burst of exercise is like pushing the reset button on your brain. It totally changes your brain’s chemistry and leaves you feeling refreshed and focused.” So the next time someone tells you to “take a hike” ….. take them up on it, and see how much better you feel!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shift to Summer .....and Success!!

The end of the school year is here and, for some, it couldn't come fast enough. The routines and challenge of school have taken their toll, and everyone ---- especially the student --- is ready for some new activities, adventures, and, possibly even some feelings of success. It is summer --- time to shift gears, kick back and recharge. Now is the time to take stock and ask …. How did this last school year go? What were the pluses and the minuses? Were there more struggles than usual? What did you hearing from the school and your student? What do we want to celebrate….. What do we want to explore? Great questions to recap this year....and start preparing for the next one!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Learning to Blog ...

Writing --- Winter --- Wishes .....
As with everything, there is always a learning curve. So it is with me and my Blog. Getting into new routines is alwasy a challenge for us ADDers and I am no exception. Hopefully we can grow together and use this as a way to explore questions and commetns from the Eastern Shore communities and beyond. Our helpful dialogue from the monthly support group can be continued between sessions. I have cancelled the February meeting due to a conflict with travel schedules. So, I invite you to write any questions you would like to explore and any thoughts about topics and programs for the next meetings.
As for winter, take this time to write down your hopes and plans for this year. Share your thoughts -- commit writing your plans, hopes and wishes --- that will make them real and more likely to happen. Thoughts, when planted and shared, grow and blossom!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome to The Learning Connections.......

...and my special kind of coaching!

ADD coaching can be a very important part of the comprehensive program for individuals and families struggling with ADD. It is about answering the "who" and "what" and "how questions. The Learning Connections (TLC) coaching process is all about Educating, Energizing and Empowering you to build productive habits and systems that lead to a fulfilling life.

TLC Coaching is a positive force that helps you look at your challenges as opportunities with manageable hurdles to jump. TLC helps you remember these basic rules:

Your creative mind is your ticket to greatness.
Don't listen to negativity.
Don't believe what you know isn't true.
You have a gift.
Believe in yourself.
Use the talents that lie within.
And....no matter what, Don't Ever Give Up!!

The coaching process is about self-discovery and achieving the life that you truly want.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed!