Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holidays and Snow Days -- Shifting Gears!

Holidays, school delays, snow days, and winter colds --- what can these do to school and life routines? Chances are you have had more than your share of interruptions to your life and routines these past several weeks, and probably wonder if you’ll ever get back on track. Interruptions and change --- even for the pleasure of a holiday --- can present difficulties for anyone’s life, but, if you have someone in the family who has ADHD, it is particularly challenging. Recovering from snow days, vacations and the like can wreck havoc on the focus and organization of those who have ADHD --- even for the brightest and best students. Know that it takes extra effort to shift gears and get back on track. Patience and a positive additude works wonders.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and Happy Winter! If you are like me and so many others, one of your resolutions for the new year has been to get more exercise. We all need exercise to keep fit and healthy --- not just for the body, but also for the mind. New findings have confirmed the long thought evidence that exercise can help people to stay more focused, become more attentive and feel more comfortable in social situations. Check out Dr. John Ratey's book called Spark to get the latest information. The message is clear, simple and very powerful --- exercise is a very effective treatment for ADD, increased mental clarity and optimal brain function. What is the value of exercise on your body and mind? Priceless!!